NASA's current budget is 0.6% of the Federal budget. This is an extremely small investment when you consider the real tangible benefits that have been gained from spin-offs from the space program. When you consider the amount of money that is wasted in other areas, it is really sad to see our space program, something that is such a source of pride to our nation, struggle the way it has.
It has been said that if NASA had continued at the pace of the 1960's, we would have humans all over the solar system by now. Think of all of the jobs and other benefits to society that would be created. Think of what our world might be like if more people could see it for what it is - a pale blue dot in space. Wouldn't this view bring us closer together by showing us how we really are all in this together?
I say, let the Eagle soar again. Let us move beyond the pettiness of the last century and become what we can be. Let's inspire the next generation to be the greatest generation, the generation that finally, truly unites us with a common goal. The world is waiting.
Our inheritance is the stars. Let's not wait any longer.
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